Airport and Off-airport Parking Facilities

Airport parking violation tickets

Airport and off airport parking operations are more efficient and sophisticated than ever before. ParTek Solutions is the nation's premier parking supplies manufacturer. We offer the nation's largest selection of thermal printer rolls and other ticket and receipt supplies for airport parking facilities.

  • Mobile printer rolls
  • Pay-and-Display receipt rolls
  • Pay-on-Foot tickets and receipt rolls
  • Parking spitter tickets
  • Parking access control tickets and receipts
  • Parking citation supplies

We guarantee:

  • Products meet or exceed OEM specifications
  • Fast shipping and product turnaround
  • Unsurpassed quality in the printing and parking supplies industry

“I just wanted to express my immense gratitude in working with you for our paper needs here at the Mineta San Jose International Airport.  We are embarking on a new way of doing business and have had to make adjustments to orders.  You have handled these inconveniences professionally and with great concern to customer service and fair pricing.

Jennifer Holmboe
Airport Technology Services

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