Artwork Requirements

Minimum Artwork Requirements

At Partek Solutions we can use any level or quality of existing art (or even none at all) to create your custom printed project. Our art department can take your information and build a ticket that is guaranteed to work flawlessly with your equipment. 


Preferred Artwork Specifications

If you already have your art and want to ensure that it's printed exactly as you've laid it out, please follow the recommendations below. 

File Types

    • Hi-Res Editable PDF
    • Illustrator Files
    • Photoshop Files
    • QuarkXpress Files (Collected with Fonts & Embedded Graphics)

General Requirements

    • Minimum Resolution of 300 DPI
    • Mac or PC Compatible
    • Please list PMS Colors if they are known/critical
    • Please include any special font files (TrueType preferred)


If you have any questions about our art guidelines, please feel free to Contact Us for more information!

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