#1 Airport In America PARCS Upgrade

#1 Airport In America PARCS Upgrade

May 12, 2017

Partek Solutions is based in Indianapolis, IN, a city which also happens to be the home of the #1 Airport in the nation according to Airports Council International and Condé Nast Traveler.

Our beloved airport is set to receive an upgrade to it's PARCS service in the form of a fresh install of Amano McGann OPUSeries entry terminals, pay-on-foot stations, and exit terminals throughout the facility. Installation is set to begin in June 2017 and complete in November 2017. 

"The Amano McGann OPUSeries will provide airport passengers with the ease of use and functionality they deserve." said Steve Wilson, the director of parking operations for the Indianapolis Airport Authority. 

The installation is being handled by yet another Indianapolis-based company; Evens Time.  

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