Changes in Google Maps Could Make Parking Easier

Changes in Google Maps Could Make Parking Easier

April 05, 2017

Google is rolling out some new features in their newest version of Google Maps v9.49 beta. The primary focus? Parking! The new version will allow motorists to pin their vehicle location and save a variety of different items to help them find their car and even set a timer with reminders so users are less likely to get a ticket.

This isn’t the first time that Google has helped to alleviate the stress of parking, earlier this year they added a parking difficulty icon, to help inform driver’s areas where parking is limited (seen below). There are different levels for the degree of how difficult parking in that area actually is. This current feature is only available in a few select cities across the US.





photo credit: stevegarfield <a href="">Massachusetts Ave with iPhone Google Maps</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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